Saturday, May 21, 2016

Cup Noodle Review: Rich Cup Noodle - Fukahire flavour

Welcome to another cup noodle review! This is the second part of the Rich Cup Noodle review, this time with the fukahire (shark fin) flavour! (With no real shark fin inside, I hope. 8D;;)

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Cup Noodle Review: Rich Cup Noodle - Suppon flavour

It's a bit late but here's my first Cup Noodle review for this blog! \owo/ This time I'm reviewing the Rich Cup Noodle series which came out in April (although I'm unsure if it's still available in Japanese stores). They are the Zeitaku Dashi Suppon (soft-shelled turtle) Soup flavour and the Zeitaku Toromi Fukahire (shark fin) Soup flavour. I bought them when I was visiting someone in Japan! 8D Since these are under 300 yen each, I doubt that there are any real turtles or sharks fin in these cup noodles (I hope). So, without further ado, I shall start with the suppon flavour!