Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Lost Flavours 2019 (Part 2)

Last post I talked about the loss of Nissin's Cream of Chicken Flavour. Today, I'll talk about the other flavour that's disappeared from the shelves: The Maggi Hot Cup Peppery Sayur flavour.

I still do not have the real thing.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Lost Flavours 2019 (Part 1)

It's almost the end of 2019 and it's been a while since I've posted anything in this blog. Apologies for that. I figured I should at least write about a couple of local flavours now lost in 2019, and those flavours happened to be my favourites too... 

Comfort Food No.1

What differentiates lost flavours from the limited special flavours that regularly come out of Japan (for example), is that it's kinda expected that you won't see those limited special flavours again (unless it's brought back by popular demand). What hurts with lost flavours is that you think it'll stay around forever, but because it happens to be a flavour that's not popular enough to justify keeping on the shelves, the flavour just disappears without warning.

Also, this is part 1 of Lost Flavours, the second part will cover the second flavour lost to mankind.