Saturday, October 21, 2017

Cup Noodle Review - Nissin World Cup Noodle Summit 2017 - Indonesian Gulai Ayam Melayu

I got a couple of interesting cup noodle flavours from Japan. (Thanks, sister!) They're a part of "The World's Cup Noodle Summit 2017" series, which I've never heard of, but it should be interesting! 8D

Note that the broth for these noodles contain pork lard, so they're not halal...

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Food Wars Recipes - "Gotcha" Roast Pork (Take 2)

The third season of Shokugeki no Soma has recently aired. I have not attempted any new recipes, but I do have a second attempt at the first dish that Soma presented to us: The "Gotcha" Roast Pork (Take 2)!!